As amended on 12 January 2022
The Convention on the Law of the Sea, which was adopted in 1982 at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, is a universal legal system for the seas. It lays down the legal framework for mankind’s use of the major part of the earth’s surface and is of fundamental importance for the maintenance and strengthening of international peace.
The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg, which was established on the basis of the Convention on the Law of the Sea, ensures that the rules contained therein prevail and are applied through its binding procedures for the peaceful settlement of disputes.
It is in the interest of all national and international institutions concerned with the use of the seas and of the maritime economy to publicize and promote internationally the opportunities afforded by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for the peaceful settlement of law of the sea disputes.
It is likewise in the interest of national and international institutions concerned with the use of the oceans to promote the further implementation of the Convention on the Law of the Sea. This also includes in particular supporting developing countries in exercising their rights and complying with their obligations arising from the Convention.
An effective contribution to the pursuit of these tasks may be made through the sustained promotion of research and teaching, of events and publications and through the provision of training and further training opportunities at the seat of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg. To that end, the signatories have established the “International Foundation for Law of the Sea, Hamburg” and have agreed on the following “Statute”:
– S t a t u t e –
Article 1
Name, legal form, seat
The “International Foundation for Law of the Sea” is a foundation under civil law having legal personality. The Foundation shall have its seat in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the seat of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.
Article 2
Purposes of the Foundation
(1) The sole and direct purpose of the Foundation is the promotion of:
(a) learning and research in the field of international law of the sea/maritime law, with particular reference to the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;
(b) training and advanced training in the field referred to under (a).
(2) The purpose of the Foundation shall for the time being be achieved in particular by:
(a) the organization of symposia, seminars, workshops and lectures, in order to bring together experts from all over the world who are interested in topics of international law of the sea/maritime law;
(b) the promotion of cooperation between national and international institutions operating in the field of international law of the sea/maritime law; and/or
(c) the publication and dissemination on a worldwide basis of results of the above-mentioned activities.
(3) Insofar as the Foundation receives sufficient funds from additions to the endowment and donations, it may also achieve the purposes referred to in paragraph 1 by providing appropriate grants and training for interns, particularly from developing countries. Grants shall be awarded and support provided for interns in accordance with guidelines to be issued separately.
(4) Within the framework of the purposes of the Foundation that are to be promoted, the opportunities afforded by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for arbitration and peaceful settlement of law of the sea disputes shall be publicized internationally.
(5) The Foundation may provide financial or other support to libraries at the seat of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea that operate within the framework of the mandate of the Foundation.
Article 3
Charitable status
The Foundation shall be a charitable institution. It shall pursue exclusively and directly charitable purposes as defined in the section of the Tax Code (Abgabenordnung) dealing with “tax-privileged purposes” (steuerbegünstigte Zwecke). The Foundation shall operate selflessly; its purpose shall not be to run a business for its own benefit (eigenwirtschaftliche Zwecke). The Foundation’s resources may be used only for purposes consistent with the Statute. The Foundation may not benefit anyone through expenditure unrelated to the purpose of the Foundation or through disproportionately high payments.
Article 4
Endowment of the Foundation
(1) The Foundation shall be provided with an endowment, the amount of which shall be specified in the act of foundation. Additions to the endowment are permissible and desirable. In order to ensure the long-term viability of the Foundation, the value of its endowment must be preserved intact. Changes in the composition of the Foundation’s endowment are permissible.
(2) The endowment of the Foundation may be increased by additional contributions (sums of money, rights and other items) made by donors or other persons. Unless donations are explicitly allocated to the endowment (additions to the endowment), they shall be used solely and directly for the purposes set forth in Article 2.
Article 5
Investment of the endowment of the Foundation
The endowment of the Foundation shall be invested at interest with minimum risk, according to the principles of sound stewardship.
Article 6
Organs of the Foundation
The organs of the Foundation shall be the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors. The Board of Trustees may, in agreement with the Board of Directors, appoint a Foundation Council in accordance with the provisions of this Statute. A member of the Board of Trustees may not at the same time be a member of the Board of Directors or of the Foundation Council.
Article 7
Board of Trustees
(1) The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least eight persons. It may be augmented by a further twelve members, who are to be selected on account of their special knowledge and suitability for realizing the purposes of the Foundation.
(2) The Board of Trustees shall consist of institutional and elected members. The institutional members shall consist of:
- the President of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea;
- a representative appointed by the President of the University of Hamburg;
- a representative appointed by the President of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of the Sciences, Munich.
The elected members shall consist of at least five persons from among or appointed by the founders (establishing founders and incremental founders), as well as other members.
(3) The members of the first Board of Trustees shall – except for the institutional members – be designated by the donors who established the Foundation. Thereafter, the Board of Trustees shall decide on the appointment and removal from office of members of the Board of Trustees. Where there is good cause, the Board of Trustees may, by decision, remove from office a member of the Board of Trustees. This decision must be agreed to by all members of the Board of Trustees, except for the member who is to be removed from office.
If an elected member of the Board of Trustees relinquishes his or her office, the remaining members of the Board of Trustees shall immediately elect a replacement for the remainder of the term of office of the departing member. The term of office of the elected members of the Board of Trustees shall be four years. Members may be re-elected. When their term of office expires, they remain in office until a successor has been elected. The term of office of the institutional members of the Board of Trustees shall be unlimited.
(4) The Board of Trustees shall adopt rules of procedure that are compatible with this Statute. The Board of Trustees may appoint a secretary from among its members to coordinate and carry out its tasks.
(5) The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall be the President of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, who may also entrust the Chair to another member of the Board of Trustees.
(6) Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be convened by the Chairman or at the request of at least one third of the members. At least one meeting of the Board of Trustees shall take place within the first six months of each calendar year.
(7) The Board of Trustees shall have a quorum if at least half of its members are present or is represented in accordance with this paragraphat a meeting of the Board . Decisions of the Board of Trustees shall be taken by a simple majority of votes cast by the members taking part in the voting, including those who have submitted their votes in writing. In the event of a tied vote the presiding member shall have the casting vote. A member of the Board of Trustees who cannot attend a board meeting can authorize another board member who will be participating to exercise the power of vote on his/her behalf. Each board member is, however, restricted to voting on behalf of only one absent member.
(8) Minutes of meetings shall be kept and shall be signed by two members of the Board of Trustees.
(9) In the event of particular urgency or need, the Board of Trustees may also decide in writing. In such a case all members of the Board of Trustees must agree to this procedure. Written communications may be transmitted by telecommunication.
(10) The members of the Board of Trustees shall serve in an honorary capacity; they shall, however, be entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred by them in connection with the performance of their duties. In addition, the Board of Trustees may, in agreement with the relevant tax office and the authority responsible for financial supervision, authorize the payment of an appropriate fee to a member in connection with special assignments with which that member is entrusted.
(11) Changes within the Board of Trustees shall be notified to the supervisory authority without delay. The records of elections, declarations of acceptance and other supporting documents concerning the appointment of new members shall be attached.
Article 8
Duties of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall supervise the conduct of business by the Board of Directors. In addition, it shall have the following duties in particular:
- approval of the annual budget prepared by the Board of Directors;
- supervision of the day-to-day financial affairs of the Foundation;
- approval of the performance report of the Board of Directors for the previous year;
- examination of the annual accounts;
- appointment of a competent auditor to audit the annual accounts;
- appointment and removal from office of members of the Board of Directors;
- amendments to this Statute in accordance with Article 16;
- winding up of the Foundation in accordance with Article 17.
Article 9
Board of Directors
(1) The business of the Foundation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, consisting of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and a Treasurer as well as up to two further members. The members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees. The term of office of a member of the Board of Directors shall be three years. Members may be reappointed. A member of the Board of Directors may at any time be removed from office by a two-thirds majority of all the members of the Board of Trustees.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), the first Board of Directors shall be appointed by the act of foundation. The term of office of the Founder Board shall expire once the Board of Trustees has appointed a Board of Directors.
(3) If a member of the Board of Directors resigns, is incapable of acting or is removed from office, a replacement, whose term of office shall be limited to the regular term of office of the departing member, shall be appointed without delay by the Board of Trustees (or the donors who established the Foundation, should paragraph 2 apply). The other members of the Board of Directors shall be informed immediately of the appointment of a replacement.
(4) The members of the Board of Directors shall serve in an honorary capacity; they shall, however, be entitled to reimbursement of their expenses. Where attendance fees or expense allowances are to be paid, the Board of Directors may issue guidelines concerning these matters in agreement with the relevant tax office and the authority responsible for supervising the Foundation.
(5) The supervisory authority shall be informed immediately of any changes in the Board of Directors. The record of the election, the declarations of acceptance and other documentation relating to changes in the Board of Directors shall be attached to the information submitted to the supervisory authority.
Article 10
Duties of the Board of Directors
(1) The Board of Directors shall deal with the day-to-day business of the Foundation. It shall take decisions on all questions associated with the conduct of business, unless otherwise provided for in this Statute. It shall be responsible for using the Foundation’s resources economically and carefully.
(2) The Board of Directors shall conduct the business of the Foundation in accordance with the purposes of the Foundation and this Statute. Its duties shall consist, in particular, of:
- managing the Foundation’s endowment;
- reporting on the accounts concerning the Foundation’s activities;
- carrying out programmes and activities in accordance with Article 2 of this Statute.
(3) The Board of Directors may transfer certain duties to one or more of its members. It may also entrust some management tasks to a suitable non-Board member against payment of appropriate remuneration.
The Board of Directors shall prepare, before the beginning of each financial year, a programme plan for the following year, together with a budget containing the projected income and expenditure for the following financial year. Within three months of the end of the financial year, the Board of Directors shall prepare a budget report, including reports on the endowment of the Foundation, the achievement of the Foundation’s purposes and progress made in the pursuit of the objectives of the Foundation. The report shall be examined by an auditor. The examination must also cover the preservation of the endowment of the Foundation and the use, in accordance with the Statute, of the resources of the Foundation.
Article 11
Representation of the Foundation
The members of the Board of Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors within the meaning of subsections 86, 26 of the BGB (German Civil Code). The Foundation may be represented by two of them acting together.
Article 12
Decision-making by the Board of Directors
(1) At least two members of the Board of Directors must be present for it to take its decisions. Unless otherwise provided for in the Statute, decisions of the Board of Directors shall require a simple majority of its members.
(2) Decisions of the Board of Directors shall be recorded in writing and be signed by at least two members. A member who is absent at the time of the decision shall be informed by the other members of the Board of Directors without delay.
(3) In urgent cases the Board of Directors may take decisions in writing. In such cases all members of the Board of Directors must agree in writing to this procedure.
Article 13
Foundation Council
(1) The Board of Trustees may appoint a Foundation Council. This shall be composed of:
- three judges of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea;
- up to six academics active in the field of law of the sea or oceanography;
- up to six people from the political, legal or business world who are concerned with matters relating to peaceful coexistence among nations and the legal and economic order of the seas.
(2) The term of office of members of the Foundation Council shall be three years; members may be reappointed.
(3) The Foundation Council shall, in agreement with the Board of Trustees, adopt rules of procedure that are in accordance with this Statute.
Article 14
Duties of the Foundation Council
The Foundation Council shall advise and support the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees in the discharge of their duties under this Statute. In particular, it shall make recommendations on:
- the organization of courses of studies, symposia, seminars, workshops and lectures in accordance with Article 2 of this Statute;
- the use of financial resources required for the programmes of the Foundation;
- publications in accordance with Article 2 of this Statute;
- publications and other materials to be made available to the libraries at the seat of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.
Article 15
Financial year
The financial year shall be the same as the calendar year.
Article 16
Amendments to the Statute and winding up of the Foundation
(1) Amendments to the Statute which do not affect the purpose of the Foundation shall be permissible if they are necessary for the sustained realization of the purpose of the Foundation. They shall require a decision of the Board of Trustees, by a majority of two thirds of its members.
(2) Amendments to the purposes of the Foundation or the winding-up of the Foundation shall be permissible only if the realization of the purposes of the Foundation has become impossible or, owing to significant changes in the circumstances, no longer makes sense. They shall require a decision of the Board of Trustees, by a majority of two thirds of its members. The amended purposes of the Foundation shall be as close as possible to the original purposes of the Foundation.
(3) Decisions provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 may not be taken contrary to the express will of the establishing founders or of the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Senatskanzlei) and shall need to be approved by the supervisory authority.
Article 17
Disposal of assets after winding up
(1) After winding up of the Foundation or if tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the assets of the Foundation shall accrue to the beneficiary “Deutsche Seemannsmission Hamburg-Harburg e.V.”, which shall be required to use the proceeds directly and exclusively for charitable purposes.
(2) In case of the winding up of the beneficiary or if tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the Board of Trustees will designate as beneficiary of the assets of the Foundation a public law entity or any other tax-privileged corporation for the purpose of scientific use. The designation of a new beneficiary of the accrual shall only be implemented with the approval of the competent tax authority.
Article 18
The Foundation shall be subject to state supervision in accordance with the law applicable in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
Article 19
Entry into force
This Statute shall enter into force on the day on which it is recognized by the supervisory authority.
Hamburg, 10 December 2003
The donors establishing the Foundation:
- HSH Nordbank AG
- Leonhardt & Blumberg
- Germanischer Lloyd AG
- OPDR Oldenburg Portugiesisch Dampfschiffs-Rhederei GmbH & Co. KG
- Jürgen Dipner, businessman
Unofficial Translation
The Foundation is established under German Law and is supervised by the Authorities (Stiftungsaufsicht) of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
Accordingly, the German version is binding.