Panel Discussion

"Clean Oceans through culpability?"

On May 25th, 2005 a Panel Discussion about

“Clean Oceans through culpability”

took place at the University of Hamburg.
This event was organised by the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law Institute, University of Hamburg, in cooperation with the International Foundation for the Law of the Sea, as well as the Edmund Siemers-Foundation.


OStA Dr. Ewald Brandt, Staatsanwaltschaft at Landgericht Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Rainer Keller, Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft, Universität Hamburg

Geschäftsführer Gunther Kempf, Oldenburg-Portugiesische Dampfschiffs-Rhederei GmbH & Co. KG

Prof. Dr. Doris König, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Rainer Lagoni, Institut für Seerecht und Seehandelsrecht, Universität Hamburg

Dr. Hans-Heinrich Nöll, Verband Deutscher Reeder, Hamburg

For the results of this event, please see the protocol below.

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